Students in Distress

Role Play 3 "I Called in Sick, But..."

Characters: Supervisor
Female College Student
Scene: Office on campus
Situation: Student called in sick yesterday, but has come in today.

Yvonne enters door, walks to work table, puts backpack on table.

Hi Yvonne. How are you doing today? I hope you're feeling better.

I'm doing ok, I guess.

You seem a little tired and down. Is something the matter?

Well, sort of…

I've got a minute -- want to talk about it?

I don't know if I can talk about it.

I'm a good listener. Why don’t you have a seat and I’ll close the door so that we have some privacy.

Well, maybe I should try (to talk). (She sits down with a big sigh) Last weekend, I went to a party and met this guy. I thought he was really attractive and he seemed fun. I was SO stupid. I went back to his room with him and… then it was awful.

It sounds like something bad happened. Did he hurt you in some way?

I guess you could say that. I'm not sure what happened. We were just kissing and then he got really aggressive. I told him I wanted him to stop but he was all over me and it was like he didn't hear me or care what I said.

Yvonne looks in her backpack for a kleenex.

Then he began saying and doing awful things and I couldn't get him to stop. Since then, I've been in a daze or crying. I've tried to go to some classes but I've ended up crying or being so afraid I've left class and gone back to my room. (big sigh or pause)

Supervisor offers Yvonne a kleenex

I shouldn't be telling you all this.

I'm glad that you are talking about this. It sounds awful and it's important to talk and not keep it bottled up. I think you were sexually assaulted.

Yeah… I've been trying not to think of it that way, but you're right. But in some ways I feel guilty.

Well… you're confused right now and that’s one reason to get help so that you don’t blame yourself. There are services on campus and in the community that can help you recover from this. I'd like to ask you some questions in order to know how to help you. Would that be ok?


Have you been to a doctor since this happened? It's a good idea to have a medical exam and some tests to rule out STDs and pregnancy. The University will pay for the exam at the Women's Health office, or at the local hospital.


When this has happened within the past 72 hrs there's a special evidence collection exam that can be used in court if you decide to report it to the police.

No, this happened 5 days ago. I've just been hoping it would all go away. I haven't been to a doctor, but I guess I should to make sure this jerk didn't give me anything.

Do you think you should report this to the police? You can if you want to press charges or, actually, just to let them know in case this happens to someone else by this same person.

Yvonne goes to coffee maker but decides not to have coffee.

I don't want to do that. That'll make it a bigger deal and keep it going. He'll just deny it, and I don't have any proof.

Well, talking to the police is up to you. Do you feel safe from him for the future? Is he around campus?

No, he was visiting friends for the weekend.

Yvonne sits at the table.

Actually he's a long time friend of one of my best friends. She really likes him and trusts him. I feel like maybe I should tell her. But I'm not up to it yet.

This is a lot to take in all at once, and you've got lots of feelings to deal with. I'm wondering… if you'd like to talk to one of the counselors on campus about this.


They specialize in sexual assault at the Counseling Center.

(She mulls it over) That seems kind of…

This is the kind of crisis where it's common to have many strong reactions. You've talked about feeling dazed and crying and afraid.

Supervisor reaches for the phone.

Would you like to call to arrange for a medical exam and a counseling appointment? I can give you the number. We can call right now, if you want?
