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University Police Department


  • "I Would Like to File a Complaint”

The New York State University Police Department takes their mission in our community very seriously. As a result, we encourage members of our community to feel free to report any problems they have had as a result of negative contact with our personnel. This allows us to improve our service to the community and to strive to provide the highest level of service possible to those we service.

The University Police Department will deliver effective and responsive law enforcement services to all persons within the State University College at Cortland Campus in a fair and equitable manner. As an integral part of the campus community, we are committed to communicating with those we serve and join with them in establishing priorities to enhance the quality of life for the entire community.

Filing a Complaint

While we strive for positive outcomes on a daily basis, we recognize that all contacts with University Police are not positive ones, depending on the circumstances surrounding any specific incident. We do demand that our officers and office staff provide assistance and carry out their duties in a professional manner. This includes the fair and equitable treatment of all persons in a lawful and even-handed manner without regard to race, color, national origin, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religion, disability, political affiliation or personal interest. Additionally, we expect our officers and office staff to be polite and courteous and, whenever possible, take the time to answer questions and explain their actions.

If you feel you have been treated in a manner contrary to our mission statement above, you are encouraged to report the incident and the person you had contact with. You can do so anonymously if you so desire. The University Police Department does accept anonymous complaints, however, they are not given the same attention as an authorized complaint. To file a complaint, you may come directly to the University Police office and speak with a supervisor. If a supervisor is not available, you will be asked for your contact information so that a supervisor can contact you at their earliest convenience. If a supervisor is available, you will be asked to sit down with that supervisor and express your complaint to them. At that point, depending on the scope of the complaint, the supervisor will attempt to mediate the complaint according to department policy. The supervisor will ask you if you would like to file an anonymous or official written complaint. If you wish to file a written complaint, you will be asked to,

1. Provide a written statement of events surrounding the complaint, and;
2. Sign a Police Complaint Form, and;
3. Give relevant information to the supervisor for follow-up action, and;
4. Swear to the statement made under penalty of perjury.

Signing a statement under penalty of perjury allows us to limit frivolous or unfounded complaints against department personnel for unwarranted reasons. This means that if you make a false statement against an officer or staff member, and the investigation proves that statement to be false, you will be charged with making a false written statement. Making a False Written Statement is a Misdemeanor under section 210.45 of the Penal Law of the State of New York.

All complaints filed with the department shall be, according to department policy, investigated to a conclusion. If they are validated or substantiated the department follows strict guidelines for dealing with misconduct. You should know, however, that the law prohibits us from disclosing any actions taken with officers or staff as a result of a Police Complaint.

If you still have questions, please feel free to ask for a supervisor and speak to him or her about your concerns at anytime. Thank you for assisting us with making the University Police Department the best organization we can be!

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